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de index 1 Consultation
de index 1 Discussion of your needs and project goals
de index 1 <svg xmlns="" width="60" height="60" viewBox="0 0 60 60"> <g> <path d="M30.0972 2.0979C22.7923 2.0979 16.8497 8.03863 16.8497 15.3445C16.8497 22.6494 22.7923 28.592 30.0972 28.592C37.4022 28.592 43.3447 22.6494 43.3447 15.3445C43.3457 8.0414 37.4013 2.0979 30.0972 2.0979ZM30.0972 26.7512C23.809 26.7512 18.6933 21.6336 18.6933 15.3472C18.6933 9.05994 23.809 3.94418 30.0972 3.94418C36.3864 3.94418 41.5012 9.05994 41.5012 15.3472C41.5022 21.6336 36.3882 26.7512 30.0972 26.7512ZM13.2475 57.9011C20.5524 57.9011 26.495 51.9613 26.495 44.6545C26.495 37.3505 20.5524 31.408 13.2475 31.408C5.94257 31.408 0 37.3505 0 44.6545C0 51.9595 5.94165 57.9011 13.2475 57.9011ZM13.2475 33.2487C19.5357 33.2487 24.6515 38.3654 24.6515 44.6536C24.6515 50.9382 19.5357 56.0567 13.2475 56.0567C6.95927 56.0567 1.84352 50.9391 1.84352 44.6536C1.84352 38.3654 6.95835 33.2487 13.2475 33.2487ZM46.7534 31.4052C39.4476 31.4052 33.5059 37.3478 33.5059 44.6536C33.5059 51.9595 39.4476 57.9002 46.7534 57.9002C54.0583 57.9002 60 51.9595 60 44.6536C60.0018 37.3505 54.0574 31.4052 46.7534 31.4052ZM46.7534 56.0576C40.4661 56.0576 35.3494 50.9419 35.3494 44.6545C35.3494 38.3691 40.4661 33.2515 46.7534 33.2515C53.0398 33.2515 58.1565 38.3691 58.1565 44.6545C58.1583 50.9428 53.0416 56.0576 46.7534 56.0576Z" /> </g> </svg>
de index 1 Layout
de index 1 Creation of an individual design and technical solution
de index 1 <svg xmlns="" width="60" height="60" viewBox="0 0 60 60"> <path d="M34.6988 57.5756C34.5063 57.5759 34.3184 57.517 34.1606 57.4069L22.8994 49.5187C22.7756 49.4324 22.6745 49.3173 22.6047 49.1835C22.5349 49.0497 22.4985 48.9009 22.4985 48.75C22.4985 48.5991 22.5349 48.4503 22.6047 48.3165C22.6745 48.1827 22.7756 48.0676 22.8994 47.9813L34.1606 40.0912C34.3011 39.9923 34.466 39.9338 34.6374 39.9222C34.8088 39.9107 34.98 39.9464 35.1325 40.0255C35.285 40.1047 35.4128 40.2242 35.502 40.371C35.5911 40.5178 35.6382 40.6863 35.6381 40.8581V44.9906H38.4375C40.8985 44.9958 43.3335 44.4874 45.5869 43.4981C45.8148 43.3996 46.0724 43.395 46.3037 43.4852C46.535 43.5754 46.7215 43.7532 46.8225 43.98C46.9215 44.2079 46.9264 44.4656 46.8362 44.6971C46.7459 44.9286 46.5678 45.115 46.3406 45.2156C43.8431 46.3106 41.1844 46.8656 38.4356 46.8656H34.6969C34.4482 46.8656 34.2098 46.7669 34.034 46.591C33.8582 46.4152 33.7594 46.1768 33.7594 45.9281V42.66L25.0706 48.75L33.7613 54.8363V51.555C33.7613 51.3064 33.86 51.0679 34.0358 50.8921C34.2117 50.7163 34.4501 50.6175 34.6988 50.6175H38.4375C48.2588 50.6175 56.25 42.6263 56.25 32.805V25.3125C56.25 25.0639 56.3488 24.8254 56.5246 24.6496C56.7004 24.4738 56.9389 24.375 57.1875 24.375C57.4361 24.375 57.6746 24.4738 57.8504 24.6496C58.0262 24.8254 58.125 25.0639 58.125 25.3125V32.8069C58.125 43.6631 49.2938 52.4944 38.4375 52.4944H35.6363V56.6381C35.6368 56.7614 35.6128 56.8835 35.5659 56.9975C35.519 57.1114 35.4499 57.215 35.3628 57.3021C35.2756 57.3893 35.1721 57.4583 35.0581 57.5053C34.9441 57.5522 34.822 57.5761 34.6988 57.5756Z" /> <path d="M48.8156 42.1875C48.8156 41.6719 49.2375 41.25 49.7531 41.25C50.2687 41.25 50.6906 41.6719 50.6906 42.1875C50.6906 42.7031 50.2687 43.125 49.7531 43.125C49.5046 43.1245 49.2665 43.0256 49.0907 42.8499C48.915 42.6742 48.8161 42.436 48.8156 42.1875ZM20.3137 56.8369C20.1491 56.8374 19.9873 56.7941 19.845 56.7113L13.3556 52.9631C11.1124 51.6759 9.14658 49.9567 7.57185 47.905C5.99712 45.8533 4.8447 43.5098 4.18124 41.01C3.50453 38.5134 3.3301 35.9072 3.66805 33.3427C4.006 30.7781 4.84961 28.3061 6.14999 26.07L7.55061 23.6438L3.95999 21.5719C3.81212 21.4856 3.69064 21.3606 3.60866 21.2103C3.52669 21.06 3.48734 20.8902 3.49487 20.7192C3.50239 20.5482 3.55651 20.3825 3.65138 20.24C3.74624 20.0975 3.87824 19.9836 4.03311 19.9106L16.4962 14.1019C16.6329 14.0388 16.7827 14.0095 16.9331 14.0164C17.0835 14.0233 17.23 14.0662 17.3603 14.1416C17.4906 14.2169 17.6009 14.3225 17.6818 14.4494C17.7628 14.5762 17.8121 14.7207 17.8256 14.8706L19.0275 28.5675C19.0436 28.7387 19.0121 28.911 18.9365 29.0654C18.8609 29.2198 18.7442 29.3503 18.5991 29.4426C18.4541 29.5349 18.2864 29.5854 18.1145 29.5884C17.9426 29.5915 17.7732 29.5471 17.625 29.46L14.0437 27.3938L12.6431 29.82C11.4089 31.9495 10.6324 34.3129 10.3631 36.7594C10.3321 37.0049 10.2067 37.2287 10.0135 37.3834C9.8203 37.5381 9.57449 37.6115 9.32811 37.5881C9.20573 37.5746 9.08722 37.5371 8.97934 37.4778C8.87145 37.4184 8.77632 37.3384 8.69936 37.2423C8.6224 37.1462 8.56513 37.0359 8.53081 36.9176C8.4965 36.7994 8.48581 36.6755 8.49936 36.5531C8.79936 33.8419 9.64686 31.26 11.0212 28.8844L12.8906 25.6463C13.0153 25.4313 13.22 25.2745 13.4601 25.2102C13.7001 25.1459 13.9558 25.1793 14.1712 25.3031L17.0044 26.9381L16.0762 16.3669L6.45749 20.85L9.29999 22.4906C9.51423 22.616 9.67029 22.8209 9.7342 23.0607C9.79811 23.3006 9.7647 23.5559 9.64124 23.7713L7.77186 27.0094C6.59669 29.0327 5.83435 31.2689 5.52893 33.5887C5.2235 35.9085 5.38106 38.2659 5.99249 40.5244C6.59222 42.7866 7.63465 44.9075 9.05945 46.7642C10.4842 48.6209 12.2631 50.1766 14.2931 51.3413L19.1269 54.1331L19.1662 54.1538L20.7825 55.0894C20.9603 55.193 21.099 55.3522 21.1774 55.5425C21.2557 55.7328 21.2693 55.9435 21.216 56.1423C21.1626 56.341 21.0454 56.5167 20.8824 56.6423C20.7193 56.7678 20.5195 56.8362 20.3137 56.8369Z" /> <path d="M9.88497 40.2113C10.0462 40.3039 10.1763 40.4424 10.2588 40.609C10.3413 40.7757 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18.0818C42.2376 18.2009 42.1825 18.3124 42.1072 18.41C42.032 18.5077 41.9382 18.5895 41.8312 18.6507L39 20.2857L48.6168 24.7669L49.5431 14.1975L46.7025 15.8382C46.4869 15.9615 46.2314 15.9946 45.9915 15.9303C45.7516 15.866 45.5469 15.7096 45.4218 15.495L43.5525 12.2569C42.3876 10.2269 40.8316 8.44809 38.9746 7.02359C37.1175 5.59908 34.9963 4.55716 32.7337 3.95815C30.4753 3.346 28.1178 3.18807 25.7979 3.49351C23.478 3.79894 21.2418 4.56168 19.2187 5.73753L14.3718 8.5369C14.3648 8.54197 14.3572 8.54636 14.3493 8.55003L12.7312 9.48378C12.5172 9.58981 12.2709 9.61037 12.0423 9.54127C11.8137 9.47217 11.62 9.31859 11.5006 9.11178C11.3812 8.90496 11.345 8.66043 11.3995 8.42791C11.4539 8.19538 11.5949 7.99233 11.7937 7.86003L18.285 4.11378C20.521 2.81406 22.9927 1.97097 25.5569 1.63335C28.1211 1.29572 30.7268 1.47028 33.2231 2.1469C35.7237 2.80909 38.068 3.96099 40.1202 5.53583C42.1723 7.11067 43.8915 9.07714 45.1781 11.3213L46.5787 13.7475L50.1675 11.6757C50.3159 11.59 50.485 11.5467 50.6563 11.5504C50.8276 11.5542 50.9947 11.6048 51.1392 11.6968C51.2838 11.7888 51.4004 11.9187 51.4764 12.0723C51.5523 12.2259 51.5847 12.3974 51.57 12.5682L50.3681 26.265C50.3475 26.4985 50.2402 26.7157 50.0673 26.874C49.8945 27.0322 49.6687 27.12 49.4343 27.12Z" /> <path d="M31.0612 7.48499C30.9544 7.55122 30.8354 7.59529 30.7113 7.6146C30.5871 7.63391 30.4603 7.62806 30.3384 7.59739C30.2166 7.56673 30.1021 7.51188 30.0019 7.4361C29.9016 7.36033 29.8176 7.26517 29.7549 7.15629C29.6922 7.04741 29.652 6.92703 29.6367 6.8023C29.6214 6.67757 29.6313 6.55104 29.6659 6.43023C29.7005 6.30942 29.759 6.19679 29.838 6.09905C29.917 6.0013 30.0148 5.92043 30.1256 5.86124C30.3403 5.7466 30.5912 5.71995 30.8252 5.78694C31.0592 5.85392 31.258 6.00928 31.3795 6.22018C31.501 6.43107 31.5358 6.68096 31.4764 6.917C31.417 7.15304 31.2681 7.35673 31.0612 7.48499Z" /> </svg>
de index 1 Installation
de index 1 Professional installation of screens of any complexity
de index 1 <svg xmlns="" width="60" height="60" viewBox="0 0 60 60"> <g> <path d="M30 0.703125C38.3203 0.703125 45.8203 3.98438 51.2109 9.25781C56.6016 14.5312 60 21.9141 60 30C60 38.0859 56.6016 45.4688 51.2109 50.7422C45.8203 56.0156 38.3203 59.2969 30 59.2969C21.6797 59.2969 14.1797 56.0156 8.78906 50.7422C3.39844 45.4688 0 38.0859 0 30C0 21.9141 3.39844 14.5312 8.78906 9.25781C14.1797 3.98438 21.6797 0.703125 30 0.703125ZM50.2734 10.3125C45 5.15625 37.8516 2.10938 30 2.10938C22.1484 2.10938 15 5.15625 9.72656 10.3125C4.57031 15.3516 1.40625 22.2656 1.40625 30C1.40625 37.7344 4.57031 44.6484 9.72656 49.6875C15 54.8438 22.1484 57.8906 30 57.8906C37.8516 57.8906 45 54.8438 50.2734 49.6875C55.4297 44.6484 58.5938 37.7344 58.5938 30C58.5938 22.2656 55.4297 15.3516 50.2734 10.3125Z" /> <path d="M30 5.74219C29.6484 5.74219 29.2969 5.97656 29.2969 6.32812C29.2969 6.79688 29.6484 7.03125 30 7.03125H46.5234C46.875 7.03125 47.2266 6.79688 47.2266 6.32812C47.2266 5.97656 46.875 5.74219 46.5234 5.74219H30ZM30 11.6016C29.6484 11.6016 29.2969 11.9531 29.2969 12.3047C29.2969 12.6562 29.6484 13.0078 30 13.0078H52.9688C53.4375 13.0078 53.6719 12.6562 53.6719 12.3047C53.6719 11.9531 53.4375 11.6016 52.9688 11.6016H30ZM30 17.4609C29.6484 17.4609 29.2969 17.8125 29.2969 18.1641C29.2969 18.5156 29.6484 18.8672 30 18.8672H56.7188C57.0703 18.8672 57.4219 18.5156 57.4219 18.1641C57.4219 17.8125 57.0703 17.4609 56.7188 17.4609H30ZM30 23.4375C29.6484 23.4375 29.2969 23.6719 29.2969 24.1406C29.2969 24.4922 29.6484 24.7266 30 24.7266H58.7109C59.0625 24.7266 59.4141 24.4922 59.4141 24.1406C59.4141 23.6719 59.0625 23.4375 58.7109 23.4375H30ZM30 29.2969C29.6484 29.2969 29.2969 29.6484 29.2969 30C29.2969 30.3516 29.6484 30.7031 30 30.7031H59.2969C59.6484 30.7031 60 30.3516 60 30C60 29.6484 59.6484 29.2969 59.2969 29.2969H30ZM30 35.2734C29.6484 35.2734 29.2969 35.5078 29.2969 35.8594C29.2969 36.3281 29.6484 36.5625 30 36.5625H58.7109C59.0625 36.5625 59.4141 36.3281 59.4141 35.8594C59.4141 35.5078 59.0625 35.2734 58.7109 35.2734H30ZM30 41.1328C29.6484 41.1328 29.2969 41.4844 29.2969 41.8359C29.2969 42.1875 29.6484 42.5391 30 42.5391H56.7188C57.0703 42.5391 57.4219 42.1875 57.4219 41.8359C57.4219 41.4844 57.0703 41.1328 56.7188 41.1328H30ZM30 46.9922C29.6484 46.9922 29.2969 47.3438 29.2969 47.6953C29.2969 48.0469 29.6484 48.3984 30 48.3984H52.9688C53.4375 48.3984 53.6719 48.0469 53.6719 47.6953C53.6719 47.3438 53.4375 46.9922 52.9688 46.9922H30ZM30 52.9688C29.6484 52.9688 29.2969 53.2031 29.2969 53.6719C29.2969 54.0234 29.6484 54.2578 30 54.2578H46.5234C46.875 54.2578 47.2266 54.0234 47.2266 53.6719C47.2266 53.2031 46.875 52.9688 46.5234 52.9688H30Z" /> </g> </svg>
de index 1 Support
de index 1 Maintenance and advice after installation
de index 1 <svg xmlns="" width="60" height="60" viewBox="0 0 60 60"> <g> <path d="M30 0.703125C38.3203 0.703125 45.8203 3.98438 51.2109 9.25781C56.6016 14.5312 60 21.9141 60 30C60 38.0859 56.6016 45.4688 51.2109 50.7422C45.8203 56.0156 38.3203 59.2969 30 59.2969C21.6797 59.2969 14.1797 56.0156 8.78906 50.7422C3.39844 45.4688 0 38.0859 0 30C0 21.9141 3.39844 14.5312 8.78906 9.25781C14.1797 3.98438 21.6797 0.703125 30 0.703125ZM50.2734 10.3125C45 5.15625 37.8516 2.10938 30 2.10938C22.1484 2.10938 15 5.15625 9.72656 10.3125C4.57031 15.3516 1.40625 22.2656 1.40625 30C1.40625 37.7344 4.57031 44.6484 9.72656 49.6875C15 54.8438 22.1484 57.8906 30 57.8906C37.8516 57.8906 45 54.8438 50.2734 49.6875C55.4297 44.6484 58.5938 37.7344 58.5938 30C58.5938 22.2656 55.4297 15.3516 50.2734 10.3125Z" /> <path d="M30 5.74219C29.6484 5.74219 29.2969 5.97656 29.2969 6.32812C29.2969 6.79688 29.6484 7.03125 30 7.03125H46.5234C46.875 7.03125 47.2266 6.79688 47.2266 6.32812C47.2266 5.97656 46.875 5.74219 46.5234 5.74219H30ZM30 11.6016C29.6484 11.6016 29.2969 11.9531 29.2969 12.3047C29.2969 12.6562 29.6484 13.0078 30 13.0078H52.9688C53.4375 13.0078 53.6719 12.6562 53.6719 12.3047C53.6719 11.9531 53.4375 11.6016 52.9688 11.6016H30ZM30 17.4609C29.6484 17.4609 29.2969 17.8125 29.2969 18.1641C29.2969 18.5156 29.6484 18.8672 30 18.8672H56.7188C57.0703 18.8672 57.4219 18.5156 57.4219 18.1641C57.4219 17.8125 57.0703 17.4609 56.7188 17.4609H30ZM30 23.4375C29.6484 23.4375 29.2969 23.6719 29.2969 24.1406C29.2969 24.4922 29.6484 24.7266 30 24.7266H58.7109C59.0625 24.7266 59.4141 24.4922 59.4141 24.1406C59.4141 23.6719 59.0625 23.4375 58.7109 23.4375H30ZM30 29.2969C29.6484 29.2969 29.2969 29.6484 29.2969 30C29.2969 30.3516 29.6484 30.7031 30 30.7031H59.2969C59.6484 30.7031 60 30.3516 60 30C60 29.6484 59.6484 29.2969 59.2969 29.2969H30ZM30 35.2734C29.6484 35.2734 29.2969 35.5078 29.2969 35.8594C29.2969 36.3281 29.6484 36.5625 30 36.5625H58.7109C59.0625 36.5625 59.4141 36.3281 59.4141 35.8594C59.4141 35.5078 59.0625 35.2734 58.7109 35.2734H30ZM30 41.1328C29.6484 41.1328 29.2969 41.4844 29.2969 41.8359C29.2969 42.1875 29.6484 42.5391 30 42.5391H56.7188C57.0703 42.5391 57.4219 42.1875 57.4219 41.8359C57.4219 41.4844 57.0703 41.1328 56.7188 41.1328H30ZM30 46.9922C29.6484 46.9922 29.2969 47.3438 29.2969 47.6953C29.2969 48.0469 29.6484 48.3984 30 48.3984H52.9688C53.4375 48.3984 53.6719 48.0469 53.6719 47.6953C53.6719 47.3438 53.4375 46.9922 52.9688 46.9922H30ZM30 52.9688C29.6484 52.9688 29.2969 53.2031 29.2969 53.6719C29.2969 54.0234 29.6484 54.2578 30 54.2578H46.5234C46.875 54.2578 47.2266 54.0234 47.2266 53.6719C47.2266 53.2031 46.875 52.9688 46.5234 52.9688H30Z" /> </g> </svg>
de index 1 Implementation
de index 1 Production, delivery and professional installation of equipment
de index 1 <svg xmlns="" width="60" height="60" viewBox="0 0 60 60"> <g> <path d="M30.0972 2.0979C22.7923 2.0979 16.8497 8.03863 16.8497 15.3445C16.8497 22.6494 22.7923 28.592 30.0972 28.592C37.4022 28.592 43.3447 22.6494 43.3447 15.3445C43.3457 8.0414 37.4013 2.0979 30.0972 2.0979ZM30.0972 26.7512C23.809 26.7512 18.6933 21.6336 18.6933 15.3472C18.6933 9.05994 23.809 3.94418 30.0972 3.94418C36.3864 3.94418 41.5012 9.05994 41.5012 15.3472C41.5022 21.6336 36.3882 26.7512 30.0972 26.7512ZM13.2475 57.9011C20.5524 57.9011 26.495 51.9613 26.495 44.6545C26.495 37.3505 20.5524 31.408 13.2475 31.408C5.94257 31.408 0 37.3505 0 44.6545C0 51.9595 5.94165 57.9011 13.2475 57.9011ZM13.2475 33.2487C19.5357 33.2487 24.6515 38.3654 24.6515 44.6536C24.6515 50.9382 19.5357 56.0567 13.2475 56.0567C6.95927 56.0567 1.84352 50.9391 1.84352 44.6536C1.84352 38.3654 6.95835 33.2487 13.2475 33.2487ZM46.7534 31.4052C39.4476 31.4052 33.5059 37.3478 33.5059 44.6536C33.5059 51.9595 39.4476 57.9002 46.7534 57.9002C54.0583 57.9002 60 51.9595 60 44.6536C60.0018 37.3505 54.0574 31.4052 46.7534 31.4052ZM46.7534 56.0576C40.4661 56.0576 35.3494 50.9419 35.3494 44.6545C35.3494 38.3691 40.4661 33.2515 46.7534 33.2515C53.0398 33.2515 58.1565 38.3691 58.1565 44.6545C58.1583 50.9428 53.0416 56.0576 46.7534 56.0576Z" /> </g> </svg>
de index 1 Application
de index 1 Advertising, events, external and internal screens, transparent window screens
de index 1 index.about_us.title Welcome to Ad One!
de index 1 index.about_us.text Wir sind ein Team von Fachleuten, das moderne LED-Lösungen für Unternehmen entwickelt. Unsere Spezialisierung liegt in der Herstellung, Einrichtung und Montage von LED-Displays in jeder Größe und für jeden Zweck. Vom Außenbildschirm bis hin zu transparenten Schaufenstern, von modularen Videowänden bis zur Vermietung von Equipment für Veranstaltungen – wir bieten alles, was Ihrem Unternehmen hilft, strahlender und auffälliger zu werden.
de index 1 index.about_us.blocks.1.title Qualität
de index 1 index.about_us.blocks.1.text Wir verwenden nur geprüfte Technologien und Materialien.
de index 1 index.about_us.blocks.2.title Individuelle Lösung
de index 1 index.about_us.blocks.2.text Wir wählen Lösungen, die Ihren Anforderungen und Ihrem Budget entsprechen.
de index 1 index.about_us.blocks.3.title Technologie
de index 1 index.about_us.blocks.3.text Moderne Bildschirme mit hoher Strahlung, Energieeffizienz und Langlebigkeit.
de index 1 index.about_us.blocks.4.title Geschwindigkeit
de index 1 index.about_us.blocks.4.text Schnelle Produktion, Installation und Einrichtung.
de index 1 index.about_us.subtext Im Laufe der Jahre haben wir Dutzende erfolgreicher Projekte umgesetzt, darunter Schaufenster für Geschäfte, Werbebildschirme für Fassaden, Bühnenaufbauten für große Veranstaltungen und Videowände für Konferenzräume. <br /> Unsere Mission ist es Ihre Werbung, Informationen oder Marke mit modernen Technologien strahlend und effektiv zu machen. <br /><br /> Wir freuen uns, Ihr Partner auf dem Weg zum Erfolg zu werden! <br /><br /> Mit freundlichen Grüßen, <br /> <br /> Das Ad One Team
de index 1 index.about_us.more Kontaktieren Sie uns
de index 1 index.contact_us.title Get a consultation from us
de index 1 index.footer.contacts Our contacts

Fallback 0

These messages are not available for the given locale but Symfony found them in the fallback locale catalog.

No fallback translation messages were used.

Missing 0

These messages are not available for the given locale and cannot be found in the fallback locales. Add them to the translation catalogue to avoid Symfony outputting untranslated contents.

There are no messages of this category.